
12 Lessons from 12th Fail UPSC Topper Manoj Kumar Sharma: An Indian Tale of Resilience and Triumph


In the realm of success stories, few are as compelling and inspiring as that of Manoj Kumar Sharma, an Indian who turned his life around in a dramatic fashion. Despite failing in the 12th grade, Sharma didn’t let this setback define him. Instead, he embarked on a journey that led him to become a UPSC topper and an IPS officer. His story is not just about academic redemption; it’s a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and hard work. Here are 12 lessons we can learn from Manoj Kumar Sharma’s remarkable journey:

1. Failure is Not the End, but a New Beginning

Manoj Kumar Sharma’s journey began with what many would consider a catastrophic setback: failing the 12th grade. However, instead of viewing this as the end of his aspirations, Sharma saw it as a wake-up call. This pivotal moment became the catalyst for a renewed commitment to his goals. He didn’t allow this failure to define him; instead, he used it as a foundation to rebuild his dreams with greater determination. His story is a vivid reminder that our lowest points can be the starting blocks for our greatest achievements.


This lesson is echoed in J.K. Rowling’s Harvard commencement speech, later published as “Very Good Lives.” Rowling discusses how her own failures freed her to focus on writing, leading to the creation of the Harry Potter series. She asserts that hitting rock bottom became the solid foundation on which she rebuilt her life. This mirrors Sharma’s experience, illustrating that failure, while difficult, can clear the way for true potential to emerge.

2. Perseverance Pays Off

Sharma’s success story is also a testament to the power of perseverance. After failing in 12th grade, he didn’t just make a second attempt; he persisted through multiple setbacks. Each failure in his early attempts at the UPSC exams was a lesson that honed his preparation and resolve. His journey was not a sprint but a marathon, requiring sustained effort and unwavering commitment. Sharma’s story exemplifies that perseverance is not just about trying again but about maintaining the effort and adapting strategies until success is achieved.

This principle is beautifully encapsulated in Angela Duckworth’s book “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.” Duckworth explores how success is not predominantly about talent but rather the blend of passion and persistent effort—grit. She argues that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence. Sharma’s story is a real-world embodiment of Duckworth’s thesis, demonstrating that grit can triumph over initial setbacks and lead to extraordinary outcomes.

3. Self-Belief is Key

In the face of repeated failures and societal stigma associated with academic setbacks, maintaining self-belief is a Herculean task. Sharma, however, never lost faith in his capabilities. His self-belief was not mere arrogance but a deep-seated conviction in his ability to overcome obstacles. This inner confidence propelled him to continue his efforts towards the UPSC exams, despite the odds stacked against him. His journey underscores the importance of self-belief in achieving one’s goals, especially when external circumstances seem discouraging.

The importance of self-belief is eloquently discussed in Carol S. Dweck’s “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.” Dweck distinguishes between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, arguing that believing in our ability to grow and improve (growth mindset) is crucial for success. Sharma’s story aligns with this concept, demonstrating that a growth mindset, fueled by self-belief, can lead to remarkable achievements, even for those who have experienced significant failures.

4. Hard Work is Irreplaceable

Sharma’s journey to becoming a UPSC topper was paved with relentless hard work. He didn’t just dream; he acted. His days and nights were dedicated to rigorous study, meticulous planning, and consistent effort. This unwavering dedication to hard work was the cornerstone of his success. It highlights that while talent and intelligence are valuable, they are no substitute for the power of hard work. Sharma’s story is a reminder that to achieve extraordinary goals, one must be willing to put in extraordinary effort.

This lesson is reinforced in Malcolm Gladwell’s “Outliers: The Story of Success.” Gladwell introduces the concept of the “10,000-Hour Rule,” suggesting that the key to achieving world-class expertise in any skill is largely a matter of practicing the correct way for a total of around 10,000 hours. Sharma’s story is a real-life example of this principle. His countless hours of study and preparation for the UPSC exams are reflective of Gladwell’s theory that dedication and hard work, more than innate talent, are the keys to success.

5. Learn from Your Mistakes

One of the most significant aspects of Sharma’s journey was his ability to learn from his mistakes. Each failure in his early attempts at the UPSC exams was not just a setback but a learning opportunity. He analyzed his weaknesses, sought feedback, and changed his preparation strategy accordingly. This ability to learn from mistakes and not repeat them played a crucial role in his eventual success. Sharma’s story is a powerful illustration of how embracing and learning from our mistakes can lead us to success.

This concept is central to Matthew Syed’s book “Black Box Thinking: Why Most People Never Learn from Their Mistakes—But Some Do.” Syed argues that the key to success is not talent, hard work, or intelligence, but a willingness to confront and learn from our failures. Sharma’s journey mirrors this philosophy, showing that the ability to learn from mistakes is a crucial component of success. His story exemplifies how adopting a ‘black box’ approach in our lives, just as in aviation, can turn failures into stepping stones towards achievement.

6. Never Underestimate the Power of a Dream

Despite his academic struggles, Sharma never let go of his dream to become an IPS officer. This dream was the beacon that guided him through the darkest times. It gave him a sense of purpose and direction, motivating him to overcome numerous obstacles. His unwavering focus on his dream was a critical factor in his success. Sharma’s story is a testament to the power of holding onto one’s dreams, no matter how unattainable they may seem.

The power of dreams is beautifully articulated in Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist.” The book emphasizes the importance of pursuing our dreams, as they are central to our happiness. Like the protagonist of “The Alchemist,” Sharma’s pursuit of his dream, despite numerous challenges, led him to his personal legend. His journey exemplifies Coelho’s message that when we are truly committed to our dreams, the universe conspires to help us achieve them.

7. Embrace Challenges

Sharma’s path to becoming an IPS officer was filled with challenges, both academic and personal. Instead of being deterred by these challenges, he embraced them. He understood that each challenge was an opportunity to grow and improve. This mindset allowed him to turn obstacles into stepping stones towards his goal. Sharma’s story is a powerful reminder that embracing challenges is essential for growth and success.

This lesson is echoed in Ryan Holiday’s “The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph.” Holiday draws on Stoicism to argue that obstacles should not be avoided but rather embraced as opportunities for growth. Sharma’s journey is a real-life embodiment of this philosophy. His ability to embrace and overcome challenges reflects Holiday’s assertion that it is our perception of obstacles, not the obstacles themselves, that determines our success.

8. Stay Focused

Throughout his journey, Sharma maintained a laser-like focus on his goal. This focus was crucial in navigating the distractions and discouragements that came his way. It enabled him to channel his energies effectively and keep his eyes on the prize. Sharma’s story highlights the importance of focus in achieving one’s goals. It shows that with focus, even the most daunting tasks can be accomplished.

The significance of focus is explored in Daniel Goleman’s “Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence.” Goleman argues that attention works much like a muscle: use it poorly and it can wither; work it well and it grows. Sharma’s disciplined focus on his UPSC preparation is a testament to this idea. His story demonstrates that honing our focus can lead to excellence in any endeavor.

9. Adaptability is Essential

Sharma’s success in the UPSC exams was not just the result of hard work and focus; it was also due to his adaptability. He was willing to change his study methods, seek different perspectives, and adapt to new strategies. This flexibility was key in addressing the dynamic nature of the UPSC exams. Sharma’s story underscores the importance of being adaptable in the pursuit of our goals, especially in a world that is constantly changing.

This principle is central to Spencer Johnson’s “Who Moved My Cheese?” The book highlights the importance of being adaptable to change. It suggests that success often depends on how quickly we can detach from old methods and adapt to new circumstances. Sharma’s ability to adapt his preparation strategy for the UPSC exams is a real-life example of this lesson, illustrating that adaptability is not just beneficial but essential for success.

10. Support Systems Matter

No journey to success is a solitary one, and Sharma’s was no exception. The support he received from his family, friends, and mentors played a crucial role in his journey. This support system provided him with emotional encouragement, guidance, and practical help when needed. Sharma’s story highlights the importance of having a strong support system in achieving our goals. It reminds us that while individual effort is crucial, the support of others can be a significant enabler of success.

The role of support systems in success is discussed in Susan Cain’s “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.” Cain emphasizes the importance of collaboration and the support of others in achieving success, even for individuals who are naturally introverted. Sharma’s journey, aided by the support of those around him, exemplifies Cain’s argument that the contributions of others can be invaluable in our path to success.

11. Education is a Lifelong Process

Sharma’s educational journey did not end with his failure in the 12th grade or even with his success in the UPSC exams. He continued to learn and grow throughout his career. His story is a reminder that education is a lifelong process. Continuous learning and staying updated are crucial in any field, and they were particularly important in Sharma’s journey to becoming an IPS officer.

This concept is highlighted in Carol S. Dweck’s “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.” Dweck discusses the importance of a growth mindset, which involves a continuous journey of learning and self-improvement. Sharma’s commitment to ongoing learning and development is a testament to the growth mindset, illustrating that education is not confined to formal settings but is a continuous journey that enriches our personal and professional lives.

12. Inspire Others

Finally, Sharma’s story serves as a source of inspiration to others. By overcoming significant challenges and achieving his dream against the odds, he has become a role model for many. His journey demonstrates that it is possible to overcome difficulties and achieve great things. Sharma’s story is not just his own; it’s a beacon of hope and motivation for anyone facing challenges in their own lives.

The power of inspiring others is beautifully captured in Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.” Sinek argues that the most influential and inspiring leaders are those who can communicate their ‘why’ – their purpose and belief that inspires them to do what they do. Sharma’s story is a living example of this principle. His journey and the way he has shared it serve as an inspiration, showing others what is possible and motivating them to pursue their own goals.

Manoj Kumar Sharma’s story is a remarkable example of how resilience, hard work, and a never-give-up attitude can lead to extraordinary achievements. Each lesson from his journey is a testament to timeless principles that can guide us in our own pursuits of success and fulfillment.

Manoj Kumar Sharma’s journey from a 12th-grade failure to a UPSC topper is a powerful reminder that our current circumstances do not define our future. His story is a beacon of hope for anyone who has faced setbacks and challenges. It teaches us that with determination, hard work, and belief in oneself, it is possible to turn dreams into reality, no matter how distant they may seem.

In a country like India, where academic success is often seen as the only path to achievement, Sharma’s story breaks stereotypes and offers a new narrative of success – one that is inclusive of those who take a little longer to find their path. His life is a testament to the fact that sometimes, the longest journeys lead to the most beautiful destinations.

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