Postgraduate Research Scholarships, University of Ballarat, Australia, 2013

Postgraduate Research Scholarships.Postgraduate Research Scholarships.

Description for Postgraduate Research Scholarship:

Postgraduate Research Scholarships, University of Ballarat, Australia, 2013 is open for . The scholarship allows level program(s) in the field of taught at . The deadline of the scholarship is .

University of Ballarat offers postgraduate research scholarships to  graduates who have completed a four year undergraduate degree at first class  Honours in  Australia. Awards are restricted to Australian citizens, persons with  permanent resident status and applicants eligible to be awarded an International  Postgraduate Research Scholarship in December each year by UB. The  University of Ballarat has two types of scholarship that may be awarded to  International students applying for a place in a Higher Degree by  Research. These scholarships are the International Postgraduate Research  Scholarship (IPRS) and the Special Overseas Student Scholarship (SOSS). The SOSS  covers course fees only. IPRS covers course fees health insurance and is usually  coupled with the award of a stipend. The application deadline  is 31 October each year.

Study Subject(s): Scholarships  are provided to learn any of the courses offered by the University of  Ballarat. Course Level: Scholarships are  available for pursuing postgraduate research degree level at  University of Ballarat. Scholarship  Provider: University of Ballarat Scholarship can be  taken at: Australia

Eligibility: University of Ballarat Postgraduate  Research Scholarships (UBPRS) are open to graduates who have completed a four year undergraduate degree at first  class Honours (or have other  qualifications such as a Masters degree or experience in research that lead the  Research and Higher Degrees Committee to evaluate the applicant as being  equivalent to first class Honours standard). Awards are restricted  to Australian citizens, persons with permanent resident status and applicants  eligible to be awarded an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship in  December each year by UB. The RHDSC (Research Higher Degree Sub-Committee)  is the committee responsible for the review & awarding of scholarships at  the University of  Ballarat.

Scholarship Open for International  Students: Australian and International Students can apply  for these scholarships.

Scholarship Description: The University of Ballarat has  two types of scholarship that may be awarded to International students applying  for a place in a Higher Degree by Research. These scholarships are the  International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) and the Special Overseas  Student Scholarship (SOSS). The SOSS covers course fees only. The IPRS covers  course fees health insurance and is usually coupled with the award of a  stipend. A UB Postgraduate  Research Scholarship may be held for two years (Master’s candidature) or three  years (PhD candidature) subject to  satisfactory progress, and in the case of PhD candidature there is the  possibility of extension for a further six months if the thesis will be  submitted by the end of this period.

Number of award(s): Not Known

Duration of award(s): Scholarships  are offered for two years (Master’s candidature) or three years (PhD candidature) subject to satisfactory  progress, and in the case of PhD candidature there is the possibility of  extension for a further six months if the thesis will be submitted by the end of  this period.

What does it cover? The 2012 stipend rate for a  University of Ballarat Postgraduate Research Scholarship is $23,728 p.a. paid fortnightly in arrears. The award  does not provide travel or other benefits.

Selection criteria: Not Known

Notification: Nominated referees are requested to  return their completed reports to Research Services no later than 23rd November  each year.

How to Apply: The applicants can apply  electronically. All persons (including current UB candidates) must lodge  the Scholarships Expression of Interest form in order to be considered  for award of a scholarship.

Scholarship Application  Deadline: The application deadline is 31 October  each year.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

Degree Level for Postgraduate Research Scholarship:

Postgraduate Research Scholarships, University of Ballarat, Australia, 2013 is available to undertake level programs at .

Available Subjects for Postgraduate Research Scholarship:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.


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