Beijing, China, Scholarships for International Students

Beijing, China, Scholarships.Beijing, China, Scholarships.

Description for Beijing, China, Scholarship:

Beijing, China, Scholarships for International Students is open for . The scholarship allows level program(s) in the field of taught at . The deadline of the scholarship is .

Beijing, China, Scholarships for International Students

The Beijing Scholarship for international students is a special fund set up as tuition scholarship for international  students, who are either currently enrolled or plan to attend higher learning  institutions in Beijing.

Application Deadline: Students must notice that applications  with application materials should be handed to the relevant university or  college before the end of February. Study Subject(s): Courses offered in Chinese universities and colleges in Beijing  region. Course Level: This scholarship is available  for pursuing bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree level. Scholarship Provider: Beijing Government Scholarship can be taken at: China

Eligibility: 1.Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals  in good health. 2.Educational background and age limit 2.1) Applicants  for undergraduate studies in Beijing must have completed senior high school with  good grades and be under 30-years-old. Applicants for Masters degree studies in  Beijing must have Bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35. Applicants for  Doctoral degree studies in Beijing must have Master’s degree and be under the  age of 40. 2.2) Applicants for advanced studies must have an undergraduate  degree or be in the second year of a university course and be under the age of  50. Applicants for long-term language study must have a high school diploma and  be under the age of 60. 2.3) Visiting scholar candidates in Beijing must  have a Masters or higher degree or hold academic titles of associate professor  or higher, and be under the age of 50. 3.Requirement for the applicant’s  language proficiency is based on requirements of the academic programs and  determined by the individual higher learning institution. 4.An applicant  receives financial support from other Chinese government scholarship programs or  organizations/agencies would not be eligible for the Beijing Municipal  Government Scholarship for International Students

Scholarship Open for International Students: International  students can apply for this scholarship.

Scholarship Description: Beijing Government Scholarship: The  Beijing Government Scholarship (BGS) was established by Beijing Municipal Government, aiming to provide  tuition fees fully or partially to the international students studying or  applying for studying in Beijing. Its administrative office is the International  Cooperation and Exchange Office of Beijing Municipal Commission of Educations,  which is in charge of project establishment, review, acceptance and daily  management of the Beijing Government Scholarship Program. The international  students applying for the Beijing Government Scholarships shall normally submit  relevant materials to the universities in Beijing that he/she hope to apply by  the end of February every year. For specific application means, you can  consult the government departments and relevant institutions responsible for  dispatching students abroad in your country, Chinese embassies or consulates;  you can also visit the Web of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education to  inquiry; or directly apply to the universities qualified to issue such  scholarship in Beijing. Duration differs with respect to the subjects  chosen. Generally speaking, it takes 4 to 5 years for undergraduates, 2 to 3  years for Masters degree candidates, and 3 years for PhD degree candidates. The  duration varies for Chinese language students, general scholar candidates, and  senior scholar candidates.

Number of award(s): Not Known

Duration of award(s): 1.Applicants for Bachelor’s,  Masters and Doctoral Degrees in Chinese universities and colleges in Beijing  region: Duration of scholarship should be under 4 years. 2.Applicants for  Chinese language training or relevant advanced studies in Chinese universities  and colleges in the Beijing region: Duration of scholarship should be under one  year. 3.Scholars and international students for specialized training in  Chinese universities and colleges in Beijing region: Duration of scholarship  should be under one year. 4.Exchange students or students with outstanding  contributions to international education in Beijing: Duration of scholarship  should be under one year.

What does it cover? The Beijing Municipal Government  Scholarship for International Students only covers tuition fees. According to  the applicants’ status, allowance for scholarship students can be classified  into 5 types: 1) 40,000 RMB/year for a Doctoral degree 2) 30,000  RMB/year for a Masters degree 3) 20,000 RMB/year/ for a Bachelor degree   4) 10,000 RMB/year for senior training or long-term language program 5)  5,000 RMB/year for Exchange students or students with outstanding contributions  to international education in Beijing.

Application procedures, timing and documents 1)  Applicants must submit documents to the Chinese government office in charge of  sending international students to China, relevant offices in the applicants’ home country, or the Chinese diplomatic missions or embassies in the applicants’ home country. 2) Applicants may register via the web with the Beijing  Education Commission 3) Applicants may submit  documents to Chinese institutions in Beijing directly.

Application timing. All application materials should be  handed to the relevant university or college before the end of February.   Application documents (completed in English or Chinese) Applicants must fill in  and provide the following documents correctly. 1) Application Form for  Beijing Municipal Government Scholarship (can be collected from the institutions  in Beijing or downloaded from the school’s website) 2) The highest diploma  and transcripts (notarized photocopy). 3) Photocopy of Foreigner Physical  Examination Form (printed by the Chinese quarantine authority and only for those  whose period of study in China is six months or greater). 4) Applicants for  Degree study or specialized research should submit a study plan (no more than  400 words) or a research plan (no more than 800 words). 5) Applicants for  music and fine arts are requested to submit personal works. 6) Applicants  under the age of 18 should submit legal documents of their legal guardians in  China. 7) Whether applicants are admitted or not, the documents will not be  returned.

Selection of Institutions and Specialties Applicants may  choose institutions and specialties from Chinese institutions of higher  education in the Beijing region. Please check details or submit application  forms to institutions directly.

Approvals and Notification 1)Institutions of higher  education in Beijing will review all application materials of qualified  applicants for the scholarship will be forwarded to the Beijing Government  Scholarship for International Students to make a further review.   2)Institutions will send the Scholarship Letter, Admission Notice and Visa  Application Form for Study in China to applicants who will be confirmed as  Scholarship students three months before the opening of the new academic  year. 3)The application will be seen as invalid and will not be processed if  applicants are not qualified or application materials are inconsistent with  recruitment regulations or are incomplete. 4)Each year, schools will review  academic performance of each scholarship recipient. The scholarship recipient  would disqualify if they violate Chinese laws, disobey school rules or  guidelines of the Beijing Municipal Government Scholarship for International  Students. After students finish studying, institutions will conduct a  comprehensive review on each student, and send a report to the Leadership Group  for Establishing the Scholarship Program for International Students and put it  on record.

Visa Applications and Registrations in China 1.Visa Application Students under the Beijing Government  Scholarship Program should apply for a visa to study in China at the Chinese  Embassy or Consulate-General with original documents and one set of photocopies  of the Admission Notice, Visa Application for Study in China and Physical  Examination Form for Foreigners, and a valid passport. Scholarship students who  are going to stay in the country for more than 6 months must apply for an “X” visa, while those who will stay less than 6 months will need to apply for an “F” visa. Scholarship students must enter the country with original copies of above  documents. A person coming to China with other types of passports visas or  without original documents cannot register with the institution.

Registration International students must arrive at and  register in the institution at the time specified in the Admission Notice. If  the rate of the scholarship cannot meet the tuition fees, students must pay the  difference. Those unable to register before the specified time must ask for  permission from the institution directly. Those who fail to register without the  prior consent of the institution will be considered as voluntarily giving up  their enrollment, and the scholarship will be withdrawn. Those who arrive in  Beijing before the scholarship program begins shall bear all expenses  incurred.

Contacts of Leadership Group for Establishing Beijing Government  Scholarship for International Students: Address: No109, Qianmen St,  Xicheng District, China. Postal Code: 100031

Further  Scholarship Information and Application

Degree Level for Beijing, China, Scholarship:

Beijing, China, Scholarships for International Students is available to undertake level programs at .

Available Subjects for Beijing, China, Scholarship:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.


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