A*Star International Fellowship Announces Open Applications for Post-Doctoral Grants 2024 in Singapore

In a significant development, the A*Star International Fellowship has announced that it is now accepting applications from international students for postdoctoral degrees in Singapore. This prestigious fellowship aims to support scholars in pursuing cutting-edge research in various fields including Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Electronics, Engineering, Food, Nutrition & Consumer Care, Pharmaceuticals & Biologics, Medical Technology, and Infocomms.

The AStar International Fellowship offers a comprehensive support package, including a monthly overseas living allowance, sustenance allowance, annual return airfare, and additional allowances such as settling-in allowance, computer allowance, book allowance, and conference allowance. The program duration is two years, with scholars required to work at the ASTAR Research Institute in Singapore for three years upon completion of their post-doctoral research program.

The application deadlines are set for October 1st of the preceding year and March 1st of the same year, providing two opportunities annually for prospective candidates to apply. Eligibility criteria include a recent Ph.D. completion within the last four years, a demonstrated excellence in publication records, and no existing bonds to any institution.

This fellowship stands as a beacon of opportunity for post-doctoral researchers aiming to advance their careers in science and make significant contributions to their respective fields. The exposure to a global audience and the chance to connect and create worldwide networks with the world’s research community are invaluable benefits of this program.

Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to elevate your post-doctoral research career with the support of the A*Star International Fellowship in Singapore. Apply now and embark on a transformative research journey, backed by comprehensive financial support and a robust research ecosystem.

For more information and to apply for the A*Star International Fellowship, visit the official website here.

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