Cities with highest Cases of Mesothelioma in World

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was widely used in construction, shipbuilding, and other industries before its health hazards were fully understood.

Cities that have a history of heavy industrialization, shipbuilding, and construction are likely to have the highest number of mesothelioma cases. Some examples of cities that have a high incidence of mesothelioma include:

    1. New York City: New York City has a long history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    2. Boston: Boston also has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    3. Philadelphia: Philadelphia has a history of heavy industry and shipbuilding and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    4. Baltimore: Baltimore has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    5. Chicago: Chicago has a history of heavy industry and construction, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    6. Los Angeles: Los Angeles has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    7. San Francisco: San Francisco has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    8. Houston: Houston has a history of heavy industry and construction, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos
    9. Detroit: Detroit has a history of heavy industry and construction, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    10. London, UK: London has a history of heavy industry, shipbuilding and construction, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    11. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    12. Sydney, Australia: Sydney has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    13. Perth, Australia: Perth has a history of heavy industry and construction, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    14. Port Talbot, Wales: Port Talbot has a history of heavy industry and steel production, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    15. Genoa, Italy: Genoa has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    16. Montreal, Canada: Montreal has a history of heavy industry and shipbuilding, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    17. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Rotterdam has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    18. Marseille, France: Marseille has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    19. Gdansk, Poland: Gdansk has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    20. Osaka, Japan: Osaka has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    21. Mumbai, India: Mumbai has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    22. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Rio de Janeiro has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    23. Tehran, Iran: Tehran has a history of heavy industry and construction, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    24. Moscow, Russia: Moscow has a history of heavy industry and construction, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    25. Shanghai, China: Shanghai has a history of shipbuilding and heavy industry, and as a result, many individuals who worked in these industries were exposed to asbestos.
    26. Newcastle, UK
    27. Glasgow, UK
    28. Adelaide, Australia
    29. Christchurch, New Zealand
    30. Toronto, Canada
    31. Helsinki, Finland
    32. St. Petersburg, Russia
    33. Istanbul, Turkey
    34. Beijing, China
    35. Durban, South Africa
    36. Athens, Greece
    37. Buenos Aires, Argentina
    38. Bangkok, Thailand
    39. Johannesburg, South Africa
    40. Mumbai, India
    41. Karachi, Pakistan
    42. Moscow, Russia
    43. Beijing, China
    44. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    45. Cairo, Egypt
    46. Bangkok, Thailand
    47. Jakarta, Indonesia
    48. Manila, Philippines
    49. Tehran, Iran
    50. New Delhi, India

    It's worth noting that, this list is not exhaustive and there are many other cities around the world that have a high incidence of mesothelioma cases due to a history of heavy industry, shipbuilding, and construction. Additionally, it's important to note that, asbestos was used in many countries around the world, and the number of cases of mesothelioma may vary depending on the country and the regulations regarding the use of asbestos.

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