Google’s $500k Pakistan Scholarships: Apply Now

In Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan, there is a disconnect between academic education and practical skills needed in the workforce. To address this issue, Google is offering an amazing opportunity for the youth to develop their skills. 

The search engine giant has pledged to provide 1,000 scholarships for Balochistan's youth, and a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed in Quetta to launch IT lessons in schools with the assistance of Tech Valley. Google will be contributing $500,000 towards this initiative and will also be providing 10 buses to travel throughout Balochistan to give students access to these opportunities.

To qualify for the Google scholarship, candidates must satisfy the following requirements:

  • They need to reside in Balochistan.
  • They must fall within the age bracket of 18-35 years.
  • They must have completed their intermediate education level or higher.
  • They should have a strong interest in enhancing their digital skills and knowledge.

For additional information on the Google Career Certificate program and available scholarships, please visit this link:

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