Japan Government Announces GRIPS Young Leaders Program MEXT Scholarship 2024

In a recent announcement, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has introduced the Young Leaders Program (YLP) 2024. This initiative, which began in 2001, aims to foster future national leaders from designated countries, build comprehensive human networks among global leaders, and establish friendly ties among participating nations, including Japan.

The program's objectives also include enhancing the quality of policy-making in the participating countries. It offers students a comprehensive understanding of international/regional politics and economics, with a special focus on Japanese politics and economy. The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) introduced the School of Government as part of this initiative in 2001. By 2009, the YLP-School of Local Governance was launched.

Students enrolled in these programs will have the opportunity to engage in profound discussions with Japanese leaders from various sectors, including politics, government, business, and journalism. The curriculum includes Field Trip/Workshop components and a final paper based on independent research. Furthermore, students can collaborate with institutions, including the central government, for policy research.

The scholarship benefits include a monthly stipend, coverage of application fees, admission fees, tuition, and economy-class air tickets to and from Japan. This scholarship is open to international students, especially promising government officials with significant work experience in public administration. Eligibility criteria include being under 35 years of age as of April 1, 2024, and having a minimum of three years of full-time professional experience in Public Administration. Additionally, proof of English Language Proficiency is required.

For those interested in applying, the application procedure involves downloading the application guide and forms, completing the application, online registration, and sending the required supporting documents to the Admissions Office.

This program not only offers a unique educational experience but also aims to foster lasting friendships and trust between Japan and nations worldwide.

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