Federal University of Sao Paulo in Brazil Young Talented postdoc award, 2020

  • Fully Funded
  • Federal University of Sao Paulo
  • PhD
  • International Students
  • Brazil
  • 10/28/2020
Expired in
Federal University of Sao Paulo in Brazil Young Talented postdoc award, 2020Federal University of Sao Paulo in Brazil Young Talented postdoc award, 2020


Federal University of Sao Paulo in Brazil Young Talented postdoc award, 2020 is open for International Students . The scholarship allows PhD level program(s) in the field of taught at Federal University of Sao Paulo . The deadline of the scholarship is expired at 28 Oct 2020.

Established in1933, the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) is considered one of the most high-status universities in the country, attracting students from all over Brazil and neighboring countries.

Degree Level

Federal University of Sao Paulo in Brazil Young Talented postdoc award, 2020 is available to undertake PhD level programs at Federal University of Sao Paulo.

Available Subjects

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.


    The Federal University of São Paulo will provide monthly allowances, flight tickets, installation assistance, and health insurance to both foreign and Brazilian researchers. Values may vary with the exchange rate fluctuation.

    Eligible Nationalities

    International Students are eligible.

    Eligibility Criteria

    To be eligible, applicants must have to meet the following eligibility criteria:

    • To be a foreign or Brazilian researcher who has developed a research project abroad for at least 12 months or has obtained a PhD degree in a foreign institution, in one of the areas of research of PrInt-Unifesp.
    • To be a permanent resident in a foreign country.
    • To have a scientific production compatible with the position in one of the research areas of PrInt-Unifesp.
    • To have an ORCID or Research Gate registration number. (Registration is free and can be subscribed at https://orcid.org/ or https://www.researchgate.net).

    Application Procedure

    In order to apply for the fellowships, candidates must complete and submit the electronic application form with the following documents.

    • Supporting Documents: Must provide research project, curriculum vitae, the link of lattes curriculum of the host researcher, and acceptance letter.
    • Admission Requirements: For taking admission, applicants must have their previous year degree.
    • Language Requirement: If your education has not been conducted in the English language, you will be expected to demonstrate evidence of an adequate level of English proficiency.
    Apply Here

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